Aphran IV

Aphran IV was a balmy world situated in the Aphran system, which itself was located in the Inner Rim. This planet was positioned along the Namadii Corridor, nestled between the systems of Bilbringi and Carratos.


While not a particularly industrious planet, the inhabitants of Aphran IV were well-known for their expertise in woodworking. They utilized the abundant native timber sourced from the planet's dense forests. Although a capital city was established, it preserved the world's natural allure, featuring expansive lakes that reflected the daily sunsets. Due to its warm climate, Aphran IV lacked polar regions, offering no respite from the often humid temperatures. To combat this, the Aphran people developed a climate control system that protected their homes and government buildings, ensuring cool air remained inside, even with open windows and doors.


The Galactic Republic discovered the Aphran system at some point between the Kymoodon Era and the Rianitus Period.

Under the Republic's governance, Aphran IV served as the base for small businesses, including Tadening Foodmakers. As the Yuuzhan Vong War intensified in the galaxy's northern territories, systems and entire sectors near Aphran began to succumb to the invaders. In an effort to maintain Aphran's allegiance to the Republic following the Fall of Coruscant, the renowned Republic heroes Han and Leia Solo contacted a group of smugglers on the planet. Their hope was that these smugglers would spearhead a local resistance movement should the Peace Brigade, allied with the Yuuzhan Vong, attempt to seize control of the world. The Solos, disguised as a pilot and a war veteran with a prosthetic arm, landed the Millennium Falcon at the large government spaceport located some distance from the capital. After being given a room in the spaceport, the Solo's disguises were discovered, and Aphran Planetary Exosecurity apprehended them, placing them in a jail cell for interrogation. Remaining tight-lipped, the Solos divulged no information, which angered Captain Mudlath. Meanwhile, the Solos' droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, journeyed from the spacedock to the prison block, successfully smuggling weapons to the Solos, including vibroknives and Leia's lightsaber. Using these weapons, the Solos broke out of their confinement, returning with their droids to the Falcon and escaping into the planet's thick jungles, evading the pursuing Z-95 Headhunters that had chased them from the spaceport.

