Anii Degarienne

Anii Degarienne was a female of the Human species.


The Corellian Clone Wars hero Arada Turhaya's son, Matt Turhaya, was married to Anii Degarienne, a Human female. Degarienne was the one who spurred Turhaya on to pursue his ambitions of serving within the Imperial Navy. Subsequently, Turhaya attended the Imperial Naval Academy, where he finished at the head of his class. Following his graduation by a few weeks, Degarienne met her death in a bizarre incident at the weapons production facility where she held employment. While serving the Galactic Empire, Turhaya entrusted their daughter, Alexandra, to the care of relatives residing on Janara III. Turhaya rapidly grew disenchanted with the Empire, finding its methods and actions abhorrent, and ultimately deserted its ranks. He journeyed to Janara III a year thereafter, only to discover that the planet had been subjected to a raid carried out by Imperial forces under the command of High Inquisitor Adalric Cessius Brandl. Discovering no survivors of the assault, Turhaya presumed Alexandra had perished. However, she had lived, and was relocated to the planet Garos IV, where she became a foster child of the planet's Imperial governor, Tork Winger, and his spouse, Sali. Alexandra retained some recollections of her mother, although she believed her given name to be "Ana."

