Altisian Jedi

The Altisian Jedi represented a dissenting group that branched off from the main Jedi Order, led by Master Djinn Altis. Their beliefs diverged from those of the traditional Jedi Order, as they permitted practices such as a single master training multiple apprentices and the formation of families.


In contrast to the primary Order, the Altisian community included many individuals who were not Force-sensitives, living alongside the Jedi. Altis, along with his followers, departed from the Jedi Temple during its final decades and traveled throughout the galaxy, providing aid as relief workers to underdeveloped and remote planets. Altis utilized the Jedi enclave situated on Bespin as a facility for training.

During the Clone Wars, a contingent of Altisians, including Callista Masana, Geith Eris, and Altis himself, were aboard the Wookiee Gunner when they intercepted a distress signal originating from Hallena Devis, a spy for Republic Intelligence. They hastened to her assistance on JanFathal, where they encountered Captain Gilad Pellaeon and Padawan Ahsoka Tano, who felt uneasy due to the Jedi's unconventional methods. After being saved, Devis chose to join the Altisians rather than return to the Republic.

Later in the conflict, the Altisians began to collaborate more closely with the High Council, undertaking missions and contributing to victories against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Jedi Masana met Knight Etain Tur-Mukan at a designated meeting point on Nerrif. Masana extended an invitation to Tur-Mukan, who was distraught, to become part of their group, where she and her child would be accepted. Tur-Mukan agreed to consider the offer, intending to leave at the war's conclusion.

Following the implementation of Order 66 and the commencement of the Great Jedi Purge, the Altisians retreated into hiding. While in hiding, Master Altis forged alliances with fellow Masters Plett and Iri Camas, establishing escape routes for Jedi survivors and other allies. Although Camas was killed early in their operations, an increasing number of Jedi were rescued. They provided refuge to Force Adepts, Antarian Rangers, and Ffib nonconformists. Bardan Jusik, a former Jedi, played a role in coordinating the transport of his previous mentor, Arligan Zey, along with Master Kina Ha, to the Altisian Jedi's central base.

