Alsakan Tessent

The Alsakan Tessent was one of a pair of well-known sculptures, the other being the Ayrou Tessent. The statue associated with Alsakan was a representation of the mythical creature from that planet's stories, a powerful combination of feline and bird that was believed to have aided the planet's first leaders when they needed it.


This particular Tessent was created as a tribute to the ancient Kings of Archais, who brought together the various tribes of Alsakan into a single nation. The legends say that the Tessent symbolized the protector of Saml Previl and those ancient Kings, and it became a symbol of national pride.


It was said to have the head of a felinx and the body of a farlus hawk, and the chalcedony it was made from was quite ordinary, a type of stone that was commonly found in that area.

Many rumors circulated about the statue having hidden secrets, such as tiny coordinates etched onto its base that could only be seen with ultraviolet light, or a datachip hidden inside it. The most imaginative of these stories claimed that the statue was actually a holoprojector that could be activated by speaking a specific code, revealing a secret message. This secret information was always said to be connected to hidden treasures or weapons that were left behind in Alsakan's past.


The Tessent was crafted around 1000 BBY by an artist who followed the primitivist style of Collus Elder, using milky chalcedony that was mined from the Archais quarries. Sometime before 0 ABY, the Tessent disappeared without explanation. The people of Alsakan offered substantial rewards for anyone who could return it safely. A xenoarchaeologist named Follnor Callat became one of the most well-known individuals searching for the Tessent.

After it was stolen, the true story of where it went became fragmented into numerous different accounts, none of which could be proven. One story claimed that a member of the Guard of Aldera stole the Tessent and escaped to the Ast Kikorie system, where they were killed by a meteorite shower while orbiting the primary planet. This left the Tessent lost in the debris field of the destroyed station.

Another version of the story said that it ended up in the possession of a crime lord living on [Sarafur], or that it was taken by grave robbers on that planet. According to Shistavanen legends, the Dark Jedi Jilst Bindalin stole the Tessent as a gift for the Killik Sith Lord who once lived there.

Behind the scenes

One possible depiction of the Tessent

Several inconsistencies and spelling errors in the article suggest that the statue was originally called the Alderaan Tessent, and was intended to be from that planet. At some point, the location was changed, and all instances of "Alderaan" were replaced with "Alsakan." However, some remnants of the original name, such as "Aldera" and "Alderaanian," remained in the final version, along with a reference to a pacifist planet and the destruction of "Alsakan."

