The alien construct represented a distinct space station that resided within the boundaries of the Kathol Rift.
This construct, built millennia before the emergence of the New Republic, served an unknown alien race as a central hub for their colonization efforts. Its exterior was characterized by a large, bulbous shape adorned with numerous docking domes. These domes would open to allow ships to enter, guided by specialized docking tendrils. By 8 ABY, the station had been abandoned, and the species responsible for its creation had vanished without a trace.
Despite its age of thousands of years, the station's technology surpassed even the advanced science of the Imperial forces. It was once self-sustaining, capable of producing its own water and food. The absence of weaponry suggested its purpose as a civilian installation. Furthermore, the construct housed the Codex, a potent artifact imbued with the Force.
In 8 ABY, a shuttle belonging to Moff Kentor Sarne's forces, along with the New Republic CR90 corvette named FarStar, were ensnared by the station's malfunctioning docking tendrils. The crews of both vessels sought a means of escape and ultimately encountered one another. Ultimately, both groups managed to escape the station.
The Aing-Tii revered the station as a sacred site, and their beliefs prohibited them from physically entering it. However, their strong desire to recover the Codex led them to manipulate their navigator, Makezh, through brainwashing, compelling him to act on their behalf. After the crew of the FarStar removed the Codex from the construct in 8 ABY, Makezh eventually seized it from them and delivered it to the Aing-Tii on Demonsgate.