Ahnjai Rahmma was a combatant of the Srrors'tok race. For a period, he was employed by High Inquisitor Antinnis Tremayne, operating from the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer known as the Interrogator. Serving Tremayne, Rahmma functioned as both a dedicated protector and a deadly assassin.
Similar to others of his kind, Rahmma possessed a bipedal, feline-like form, characterized by prominent ears, short fur of a golden hue, sharp teeth, and an elongated tail. His attire typically consisted of a simple body pouch, which held an Imperial identification card, some credits, and a basic set of tools. His imposing physique and predatory appearance made him quite intimidating, often capable of subduing opponents simply by issuing a growled order. Like other Srrors'tok, his command of Basic was limited, allowing him to articulate only simple words with considerable effort. As a sign of his involuntary servitude, he generally remained silent, and did not use the sign language of his people.
The circumstances of how High Inquisitor Tremayne came to possess Rahmma's service through a life debt remain shrouded in mystery. Under the laws of the Srrors'tok, Rahmma was compelled to fully honor this life debt, or end his own life. While Rahmma's sense of honor dictated his unwavering loyalty and diligence in serving Tremayne, the Srrors'tok found both Tremayne and the Empire to be morally reprehensible. He was particularly incensed by Tremayne's tendency to treat him as a mere pet, and by the demeaning remarks Tremayne often directed at Rahmma in the presence of others.
Rahmma had only two paths to escape the humiliation: death while serving the Empire, or the unlikely event of becoming similarly indebted to an enemy of the Empire. Naturally, his honor prevented him from actively pursuing the latter option. However, should he ever gain his freedom, he would have sought to eliminate Tremayne.