Agent ZNT-8 was the only operative from the Alliance to Restore the Republic who stayed behind at the Alliance base located on Dankayo as an observer following its evacuation. By sheltering within a deep-planet survival shelter, Agent ZNT-8 managed to live through the Imperial Navy's orbital bombardment. Upon surfacing, the agent discovered that the Star Destroyer assault had decimated the base's power generators, which stopped the base computers' complete self-destruction. Stormtroopers deployed from the Imperial Armored Transport called the Elusive were searching through the base's wreckage and had already retrieved several datapacks containing crucial intelligence. Armed with a pair of thermal detonators and some detonite, Agent ZNT-8's final log entry indicated plans to assault the Imperials. Even though the agent seemingly failed, because the datapacks were transported aboard the Elusive toward Coronar, they did manage to notify the Alliance about the situation. As a result of Agent ZNT-8's alert, another team of Alliance agents later successfully intercepted and eliminated the shipment.