Age of responsibility

The age of responsibility denoted the point at which a sentient being achieved the legal capacity to be held accountable for their actions, as well as gain control over their personal affairs.

On the planets of Alderaan and Corellia, both of which were member worlds of the Core Worlds, the age of responsibility was fixed at seventeen standard years. Bria Tharen, a female Corellian who later achieved the rank of Commander at twenty-six, once stated that she felt unprepared when she reached that milestone.

Within Mandalorian society, children of both genders underwent a rite of passage called the verd'goten at thirteen years of age. Successful completion of these trials resulted in the declaration of adulthood.

On Naboo, young individuals achieved complete independence from their parents at twenty-one. Nevertheless, the right to vote and hold office was based on merit and intellectual maturity, irrespective of chronological age. This resulted in individuals as young as thirteen ascending to the throne of Naboo, and even younger monarchs were known to have been selected.

Certain cultures allowed for the emancipation of a youth from parental or guardian control prior to reaching the standard age of responsibility. However, the people of Naboo did not recognize this practice.

For alien species with lifespans that differed significantly from those of humans, the age of responsibility could vary considerably. For instance, Hutts, who could live for over 1000 years, did not reach the age of responsibility until they were fully grown at 200 years old. This context made Jabba Desilijic Tiure's rise to power at the remarkably young age of 80 all the more exceptional.

