Aga Culpa was a humanoid male who governed the moon of Nar Shaddaa in the time leading up to the Clone Wars. He existed as a figurehead, a mere pawn of the Hutts, the criminal masterminds who possessed the factories; his purpose was to ensure the Hutts' continued wealth. They were, without a doubt, unconcerned with the specific methods he employed to meet his assigned production goals, so long as they were achieved: it made no difference whether Culpa or Krayn, a slave-raider and the actual power on the moon, took credit for those successes.
In 29 BBY, Culpa permitted Jedi Siri Tachi and Anakin Skywalker to instigate a slave uprising against Krayn. Krayn had coerced Culpa into granting him access to Nar Shaddaa's spice-processing facilities, promising freedom to Culpa's people in exchange for control of the moon's spice factories.
In essence, Culpa was a puppet-leader for the inhabitants of the "Smuggler's Moon," serving Krayn in the same way he served the Hutts. His weak and easily manipulated mind was even vulnerable to Jedi mind tricks, which Tachi and Skywalker used to "convince" Culpa to instruct his guards to disregard the mass slave rebellion against their ongoing servitude in Nar Shaddaa's spice factories.
Ultimately, it was the slaves themselves who secured genuine freedom for all the citizens of Culpa's satellite.
Culpa was a gaunt being with pale gray skin and a cybernetic brain implant.