Aerin Dlarit

Aerin Dlarit, a Human male, held the role of father to Erisi Dlarit, who previously served as a pilot in the New Republic's Rogue Squadron. Following the Xucphra Corporation's triumph over their rival, the Zaltin Corporation, and subsequent acquisition of the planet Thyferra, Dlarit was appointed to the position of general within the Thyferran Home Defense Corps, a local military force established by Ysanne Isard, the former Director of Imperial Intelligence, to bolster her forces after her retreat from Coruscant.

During the events of the Bacta War, the Ashern, a resistance movement comprised of the Vratix, the native species of Thyferra, marked Dlarit for assassination. An Ashern strike team managed to infiltrate his estate, where Elscol Loro, the leader of the strike team, nearly killed Dlarit. However, Iella Wessiri, another member of the team, intervened and proposed an alternative plan, leading to Dlarit being spared. Instead, Dlarit was stunned and relieved of his Thyferran Home Defense Corps uniform, leaving him completely naked. Subsequently, the rebels disseminated a hologram of Dlarit.


The Bacta War

Erisi Dlarit, daughter of Aerin Dlarit

Aerin Dlarit was a Human male who was from the planet of Thyferra and was the father of Erisi Dlarit, who used to be a starfighter pilot in Rogue Squadron, an elite New Republic squadron of starfighters. In 7 ABY, the former Director of Imperial Intelligence, Ysanne Isard, gave her support to the Xucphra Corporation, a bacta production company associated with the Dlarit family, to overthrow its rival, the Zaltin Corporation, and seize control of Thyferra. As a result of her support, Isard was made the world's Head of State and Chief Operating Officer of the Xucphra Corporation.

Under Isard's leadership, one of her initial actions was to create the Thyferran Home Defense Corps, a military organization composed of Xucphran personnel tasked with combating the Ashern, a resistance movement spearheaded by the Vratix, the planet's original inhabitants. Dlarit was among the high-ranking Xucphran officials who became part of the Defense Corps and was given the rank of general, despite his lack of military experience. In his daily duties with the Defense Force, Dlarit was required to defer to Major Barst Roite. However, Dlarit compensated for his lack of military skill by attending social gatherings and assuring the public that the Ashern threat was being handled.

Raid on the Dlarit estate

During that same year, Elscol Loro, a resistance fighter with experience in toppling planetary governments held by the Galactic Empire, selected Dlarit as an assassination target. Loro was accompanied by Iella Wessiri, a former CorSec investigator, Sixtus Quin, a former Special Intelligence operative, and Quin's troopers. When Wessiri questioned Dlarit's significance as a military target, Loro argued that Dlarit's death as a public figure would be crucial in intimidating the planet's populace, thereby forcing them to choose between Isard's forces and the Ashern.

Elscol Loro, who led the raid on Dlarit's estate

On the night that Loro's strike team infiltrated his estate, Dlarit had fallen asleep in his office chair while looking at a hologram of a statue of himself surrounded by admirers and well-wishers. The strike team found him in this state, and Loro was about to shoot him with her blaster when Wessiri intervened. Wessiri proposed her own plan and convinced Loro that instead of killing Dlarit, they could humiliate him, an action that would still achieve their goal of destabilizing Isard's regime.

Unaware of how close he had come to death, Dlarit was stunned by a blaster shot from Wessiri. The strike team then removed his Thyferran Home Defense Corps uniform and created a hologram of their act, which they distributed throughout Thyferra and even as far as the Victory-class Star Destroyer Corrupter, which was at that time traveling to the colony world of Halanit to punish its inhabitants for accepting free bacta from Wedge Antilles, the leader of the coalition of pilots opposing Isard. Aboard the Corrupter, Dlarit's daughter Erisi was horrified to see the image of her father slumped naked on his chair. The humiliating holo also caused the Imperials to treat their Thyferran Home Defense Corps counterparts with contempt.

Personality and traits

Dlarit, being a native of Thyferra and a high-ranking official in the Xucphra Corporation, embodied the corporation's culture. Due to the assured profits from bacta sales, Xucphra never needed to diversify or expand. As a result, promotions were based on seniority rather than skill or merit. Dlarit harbored dreams of fame and sought admiration from everyone, as evidenced by the hologram in his office depicting a statue of himself surrounded by enthusiastic supporters.

Behind the scenes

Aerin Dlarit was a character created by Michael A. Stackpole for his 1997 novel, X-Wing: The Bacta War, which was the fourth book in the Star Wars: X-Wing series.

