Aerie Casino

The Aerie Casino, a lavish hotel and gambling center, stood in the artist enclave of Moenia on the planet Naboo. Its founding occurred soon after the Battle of Yavin. To commemorate the grand opening of the casino, a sizable festival unfolded within an open-air arena, featuring brutal animal combat tournaments. Animals hailing from many different planets battled creatures native to the same regions. Among these animals were borgle bats, flit harassers, malklocs, womp rats, wrixes, squalls and zucca boars. A Rodian by the name of Eban Trey emceed the entire affair, and he took immense pleasure in greeting all the attendees to the Aerie Casino.

Inside, the Aerie's extravagant casino showroom featured the most sought-after gambling activities, including sabacc tables, lugjack machines, and spinner-pit wheels. Patrons journeyed to the Aerie from every corner of the galaxy, all hoping to strike it rich.

The Imperial bioengineers Tendau Nandon and Dusque Mistflier were present at the celebration, and it was during this event that Dusque initially encountered Finn Darktrin, an agent of the Rebel Alliance. Also, it was near this time that she was introduced to the charismatic gambler Lando Calrissian.

