Adeline Marr, a female Miraluka, achieved the rank of Jedi Knight within the Jedi Order. She dedicated her service to both the Order and the Galactic Republic during the era known as the Cold War, a period of tension with the Sith Empire. Under the leadership of her Jedi Master, Jun Seros, she commanded Republic operatives in a massacre that resulted in the deaths of numerous individuals while in pursuit of the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt.
As a Force-sensitive female of the Miraluka species, Marr became a member of the Jedi Order and served as a Jedi Knight around 3641 BBY. During the latter years of the Cold War that existed between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, Jedi Master Jun Seros tasked Marr with leading a team of Republic Strategic Information Service shadow operatives to locate the latest Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. This individual was responsible for the death of Jedi Master Kellian Jarro, who was a close friend of Master Seros. Their pursuit led them to Nar Shaddaa, where they raided a gathering hosted by Bloodworthy, Jewl'a Nightbringer, and the Defenestrator in honor of the new Grand Champion. The bounty hunters refused to divulge the location of their comrade, leading to their deaths in the ensuing fight. Adeline used a holo to report the apparent dead end to Seros, at which point the Grand Champion appeared. Seros gave the bounty hunter a final opportunity to surrender, but the Champion refused, enraged by the deaths of their comrades. Before anyone could react, the Defenestrator's body initiated a self-destruct sequence, causing a brief moment of chaos that allowed the Grand Champion to kill Adeline and her allies.
Marr, a Miraluka female, possessed black hair and fair skin. As is typical of her species, she was blind. In combat, she utilized a blue lightsaber.
Adeline Marr's character was developed for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011. She is featured in the Bounty Hunter class mission titled "Notorious." In this mission, the player has the option to attempt to resolve the situation with Marr and Jun Seros through peaceful means or through violence. Regardless of the player's choice, Seros invariably orders Adeline to engage the Bounty Hunter in combat.