The Abridon Shipyard functioned as a production facility located within the city of Sayan on the world of Abridon.
Positioned on an island just offshore, the shipyard was linked to the mainland via two causeways. It was responsible for the creation of various items, notably the RZ-1 A-wing interceptors.
In the year 3 ABY, the Abridon Nationalists assumed control of Abridon. The Galactic Empire countered rapidly, reclaiming the Government Center and forcing the Rebel Alliance forces to evacuate the planet.
Despite this, Sayan remained a stronghold of Nationalist sympathies. Frequent street skirmishes erupted between Imperial troops and Nationalist fighters. Eventually, the Empire, exasperated by Sayan's continued resistance, deployed artillery units and began systematically destroying the city.

Brenn Tantor, the Imperial general who had previously retaken the planet, later returned as a member of the Rebel Alliance. He seized the Government Center and liberated Hamman Flatt, a prominent leader of the Abridon Nationalists. Flatt promised the Rebel Alliance a consignment of A-wings in exchange for Tantor's liberation of Sayan.
Using Scanner Jammers and exploiting the chaos of the ongoing urban warfare, Tantor secretly moved a Hover Transport carrying pilots, the TR-MB, and an armed contingent through the city. He successfully captured the shipyard, utilizing it as a strategic hub to deploy reinforcements and eliminate all Imperial forces within the city. Consequently, the A-wings were safely delivered to the Rebellion.