Aaeton, a planet within the Aaeton system, resided in the Core Worlds region. During the Cold War era, which saw conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, an Imperial bioweapon became active on its surface. In the closing days of the Republic's existence, the Aaeton government possessed the authority to grant its inhabitants access to the usually restricted neighboring world, Ragoon VI.
Located in the Aaeton system, Aaeton was a planet found in the Core section of the galaxy.
Prior to the tense period known as the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, the Republic had established settlements on Aaeton. During this period of conflict, a previously inactive Imperial bioweapon activated on the planet, leading to a rapid spread of toxic molds throughout the settlements.
A Republic-aligned individual visited Aaeton during this time to provide assistance.
As the Republic neared its end, Aaeton's governing body was uniquely authorized to permit its people to visit Ragoon VI, a world normally off-limits and located half a hyperspace day away. In 27 BBY, the bounty hunter Floria, while deceiving the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker regarding her homeworld being Aaeton, stated that the Galactic Senate, the Republic's legislative body, granted this authorization because Aaeton offered refuge to Ragoon VI's natives after they ceded their world to the Senate. Floria claimed that young Aaetonians, upon reaching fourteen years of age, would frequently embark on survival camping trips to Ragoon VI, being among the few non-natives permitted on the planet.
Aaeton was initially referenced in the 2003 young adult novel Jedi Quest: The Trail of the Jedi, part of the Jedi Quest series. In the novel's narrative, Floria describes the planet, initially claiming Aaeton as her homeworld before revealing that she was lying and that Thracior was her true home, thus casting doubt on the accuracy of her other information about Aaeton.
Later, Aaeton appeared in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was published in 2008. The reference book The Essential Atlas from 2009 situated the Aaeton system, and therefore the planet itself, within grid square K-9. Most recently, Aaeton was mentioned in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by BioWare and launched in 2011, where it served as a potential location for Republic players to dispatch their companions on individual missions.