A Small Scrappy War!

"A Small Scrappy War!" is a concise comic narrative featured within the pages of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.33.

Publisher's summary

In this exciting installment of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic series, Captain Rex and Sergeant Coric find themselves dispatched to Biitu, an Outer Rim planet known for its agricultural production. The inhabitants of Biitu have ingeniously discovered a method to transform the relentless conflict of the Clone Wars into a lucrative business. However, questions arise regarding the integrity of their resourceful enterprise.

Plot summary

Aboard their LAAT transport, Captain Rex and Sergeant Coric engage in a conversation regarding their mission to Pitor Processing Plantworks. This facility is located on Biitu, an agri-planet situated in the Outer Rim. The population there is turning Clone Wars debris into profit by processing discarded battle droid components. Coric expresses his disapproval, labeling the practice as war profiteering and stating his dislike for the Bituians, nearly as much as he dislikes the droids. Rex reminds him that their purpose is not to judge, but to assess security, and that the Galactic Senate has commissioned the Bituians for this task. Coric remains unconvinced.

Upon arrival, the two, accompanied by other members of Torrent Company, disembark and introduce themselves to Pitor, the head of operations. They inform him that, despite being assigned to investigate, they lack specific details. Pitor initiates a tour of the facilities, explaining the process of melting down and recycling droid scrap. Rex reiterates his question about Torrent Company's involvement.

Pitor then reveals that he had initially cautioned the Republic about the dangers of stockpiling incompletely destroyed droid parts. However, enticed by increased financial incentives to process these parts, they accepted, feeling they had little choice. Consequently, a droid managed to reconstruct itself from the salvaged components, subsequently reviving other battle droids. Pitor has named this droid—an IG-100 MagnaGuard—the Reanimator.

Coric is skeptical of Pitor's account, but as Pitor speaks, the Reanimator and a group of reconstructed junk droids launch a sudden ambush on Pitor, Rex, Coric, and the other clones. Pitor flees towards the control center in a desperate attempt to save himself, while Rex and Coric begin their retreat, falling back to regroup.

The clones eventually reach the control center and urgently request Pitor to open the door. Initially hesitant, Pitor fears they will inadvertently allow the droids inside. Coric threatens him, asserting that the droids will be the least of his concerns if he refuses, prompting Pitor to comply. As the droids encircle the control center, Captain Rex devises a strategy to neutralize the Reanimator, hoping to leverage both Pitor's expertise and Coric's dedication.

The droids breach the control center, only to discover that the clones and Pitor have already escaped. They pursue them and encounter Coric, who is casually leaning against a wall while eating fruit. He warns them to stay back, claiming that clones possess Jedi-like abilities. As two battle droids advance towards him, he seemingly demonstrates this power, halting them with an outstretched arm. The Reanimator, bewildered, orders all units to attack Coric, sending them charging. However, they are all repelled. The Reanimator questions the possibility of this, as Coric shoots him in the head.

It is then revealed that Captain Rex and Pitor had been employing a magnetic grapple to simulate the effects of the Force, using it to pull the droids away from Coric. Rex praises Pitor's marksmanship, and Pitor acknowledges Rex's skill in operating the machinery. The clones dedicate the remainder of the day to dismantling the droids with Pitor's assistance. In the aftermath, Rex assures Pitor that the Senate has reviewed the incident and implemented stricter regulations for all future salvage shipments. As the clones prepare to board the LAAT for their departure from Biitu, Rex inquires whether Coric's perspective on Pitor's profession has changed.

