A'jidre Skrigatov

A'jidre Skrigatov, during the era of the Galactic Civil War, held the position of Provisional Governor for the planet Abregado-rae; he was a portly Devaronian.


Skrigatov presented an outward appearance of being honorable, but in reality, he was just a low-level criminal who had murdered the former governor in order to seize control. To prevent public unrest, he orchestrated a marriage with Brinaloy N'Vaari, the granddaughter of the governor he had killed.

Malkoi, a Rodian gangster from the area, harbored a shared hatred for Skrigatov, leading him to orchestrate N'Vaari's abduction. Malkoi's intention was to use blackmail to remove Skrigatov from his position and replace him with a governor he could control.

Their plans were ultimately unsuccessful because N'Vaari used her extensive acting skills to disguise herself as a Twi'lek entertainer at the Starlight Theater, which was situated on Phyrstal Island within the vacation destination of Le Yer.

Following Skrigatov's setback, he and his close associate Friizt, who owned the Triple Nova Casino in Le Yer, encountered difficulties in their attempts to get him re-elected.

