11,947 BBY, also expressed as 11,947 Before the Battle of Yavin, designates a year as per the Galactic Standard Calendar, occurring during the time frame referred to as the Pius Dea Era. During this year, the Galactic Republic was under the de facto authority of zealous followers belonging to the Humanocentric Pius Dea religious movement. Within that year, Contispex I, a follower of the Pius Dea ideology, relinquished his role as the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic following his four-decade tenure, thereby enabling his son, Contispex II, to assume the office, thus initiating the Contispex dynasty of Chancellors.
The year 11,947 BBY is referenced within The Essential Guide to Warfare, a reference book from 2012 authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart.